AF H1D 420

AF H1D 420 Pulverizer / Micronizer

AF H1D 420 Pulverizer / Micronizer

The AF H1D 420 is our Show Stopper and shares the same footprint as the AF H1D 500. The performance, efficiency, and great production rate are hard to beat. Price wise, this model has it all.


Model AF H1D420
Number of Mills 1
Disc Diameter (2 double faced discs) in. 16.6
mm 420
Total Electrical Power Requirement HP 110
KW 82
Mill Motor HP 100
KW 75
Voltages Available As Required
System Base Width x Depth in. 85 x 71
mm 2159 x 1803
System Maximum Height in. 216
mm 5486
Sifter Type Centrifugal
Total Sifter Screen Area (5 decks) in2 3109
cm2 20060
Method of Grind Gap Adjustment External While Running
Rate Control Type (Temp, Amps, Both) Both
Computer Controls Included Yes
Touchscreen Adjustable High Temp Control Yes
Touchscreen Adjustable High Amp Control Yes
Hopper Loader Optional
Metal Separator Optional
Quick Clean Airlock Optional
Dust Collector Optional
Production Rate 30 Mesh HDPE lb/hr 600 – 1200
600 microns kg/hr 272 – 545
Production Rate 20 Mesh rigid PVC lb/hr 700 – 1475
840 microns kg/hr 318 – 670
In-Plant Set-up & Training Available Yes
Orenda AirForce Technology
US Patent # 9,468,929
US Design Patent #: D 734376
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